Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Our adventures in Paris will end around 9pm tomorrow night. Our time here has been unpredictable, amusing, pleasing, stressful, crazy, tiring.... but in the end a pleasureful success! Yesterday while Giovanni was busy at work with meetings and the presentation of Milan's theme for Expo 2015 vs Izmir Turkey (and their presentation) I went to a flee market and the Père Lachaise cemetry to see some famous grave sites.... the whole while very anxious to hear from Gio, (at this point it would be fun to hear his version of the day, but he is currently taking a well deserved nap). He called about 6pm to tell me Milan won 86 votes to Izmir's 65!!!! YEA!!!! all his hard work and a little of my patience paid off! We are not really sure what this means for us as of yet, but happy to be returning to Milan with a victory! for more on Milano and EXPO 2015 see the link below! Today is full of packing and napping! Tomorrow a little sight seeing and then back home to relax! Pictures include: Mayor Letizia Morattia "dancing queen" to win votes, ad for EXPO 2015 IZMIR, Cemetry, Oscar Wilde tomb, Jim Morrison tomb, Fred Chopin, Molière.

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