I have had many opportunities to share my knowledge of the sweet gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that we are children of a loving Father in Heaven that is aware of us and our needs. Feeling of this love can motivate us to do many great works! I am grateful to live in this day and age, with the power of God on the earth! With living guidence, not only on a personal level but on a world wide level.
I will miss President Hinckley and his strong, humble way of sharing his testimony and humor! How grateful I am to know that there is a plan after this and that our Happily Ever After comes not now but later! I thank thee O God for a Prophet!

“I have seen miracles in my time, my brothers and sisters. The greatest miracle of all, I believe, is the transformation that comes into the life of a man or a woman who accepts the restored gospel of Jesus Christ and tries to live it in his or her life. How thankful I am for the wonders of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ! It is indeed a marvelous work and a wonder which has been brought to pass by the power of the Almighty in behalf of His sons and daughters”
President Gordon B. Hinckley
(Vacaville/Santa Rosa, California, regional conference, 21 May 1995)